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The blue butterfly story.

A couple of moths ago, I was on my way to Tulum, I had stored some things in my backpack and I was going to the room looking for a book that I lent to my brother a week before. I was surprised when I opened the book right on page 288, where I found the corpse of a blue butterfly. Neither of us knew how it had got there or how long it had been there. I went to a nearby tree and left the corpse near a beautiful flower. 
The scene was beautiful beacuse it seemed like the blue butterfly was alive once more. That same day, the idea of creating an hostel came out from my family.

Open microphone. 

Blue butterfly hostel counts with some instruments around the house you are free to use at anytime you like. 


We also have open mic wendesday and friday!

If you are talented and want to share your music with us, this is the perfect night for you to grab those intruments, turn on the mic and rock the house!

Live music and parties. 

Every twice a month we organice an awesome music fest in order to promote good local musicians.

The technicolor night is our main event and you can´t miss it. 



You are free to invite people from outside our hostel to enjoy some good drinks and excelent live music that will make this party one of the greatest nights you will remeber.

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Calle 10 entre 125 y 130, Col. Ejidal
Playa del carmen, Q.roo. México, 77710|  +52 9841350952

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